

Interstate 44
(H.E. Bailey Turnpike)

Interstate 44 @
OKC Highways

Interstate 44
(Turner Turnpike)

Interstate 44 @
Tulsa Highways

Interstate 44
(Will Rogers Turnpike)

Interstate 44 @

Turner Turnpike @

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Interstate 44 Pictures
@ OKRoads.com


Florida Trip


Interstate 44 MO Guide

Delaware Trip

Fields Trip

Interstate 44
Exit Guide
(Miles 136-218)

Exit 158

OK 66

Exit 166

OK 18

Exit 179

OK 99

MM 182
Toll Plaza
(Cars $3.50)

Exit 196

OK 48
Lake Keystone

Exit 211

OK 33
Sapulpa (EB)
Drumright (WB)

Exit 215

OK 97
Sand Springs

Exit 218
(EB Only)

Creek Turnpike East

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Interstate 44 (Miles 136-218)

(Miles 136-218)
(Turner Turnpike)

Highway Review:
After leaving Interstate 35 behind at mile marker 135 (I-35's mile marker 138), the speed limit increases to 75 as the Turner Turnpike begins. The Turner Turnpike is the most-traveled rural turnpike in Oklahoma, connecting its two largest cities. There are seven exits on the turnpike's almost 90 miles of travel, with three of the exits in the final 10 miles, with Exit 158 (OK 66), Exit 166 (OK 18), Exit 179 (U.S. 377/OK 99), Exit 196 (OK 48), Exit 211 (OK 33), Exit 215 (OK 97), and Exit 218 (Creek Turnpike East). All interchanges except for Exit 211 are trumpet interchanges. Exit 211, built in the early 1990s, is the only diamond interchange on the Turner Turnpike. As one begins to approach the Tulsa area from the southwest, the speed limit falls from 75 to 65, then to 55 as a curve is made to head over the westbound off-ramp to OK 66 West. The speed limit goes back up to 60 after making it through the curve, and suddenly, you have entered Tulsa.

To continue on Interstate 44 through the Tulsa area, please see the Interstate 44 @ Tulsa Highways page.


Interstate 44 East at Exit 158 - OK 66 -
Wellston. (Photo taken 3/13/03)
Interstate 44 West at Exit 158 - OK
66 - Wellston. (Photo taken 12/1/02)
Interstate 44 East at Exit 166 - OK 18 -
Chandler/Cushing. (Photo taken
Interstate 44 West at Exit 166 - OK
18 - Chandler/Cushing. (Photo taken
Interstate 44 East at Exit 179 - OK 99 -
Stroud/Drumright. (Photo taken
Interstate 44 West at Exit 179 - OK 99 -
Stroud/Drumright. (Photo taken
Interstate 44 East approaching the
toll plaza - 3 miles. (Photo taken
Interstate 44 East approaching the
toll plaza - 2 miles. (Photo taken
Interstate 44 East approaching the
toll plaza - 1 mile. (Photo taken
Interstate 44 East approaching the
toll plaza - 1/2 mile. (Photo taken
Interstate 44 East at the split of the
PikePass and cash lanes. (Photo
taken 11/28/02)
Interstate 44 East at the Turner
Turnpike toll plaza. Cars pay $3.50
at this plaza. (Photo taken 11/28/02)
Interstate 44 East at Exit 196 - OK
48 - Bristow/Lake Keystone. (Photo
taken 11/28/02)
Interstate 44 West at Exit 196 - OK
48 - Bristow/Lake Keystone. (Photo
taken 12/1/02)
Interstate 44 East at Exit 211 - OK
33 - Kellyville/Sapulpa. (Photo
taken 11/28/02)
Interstate 44 West at Exit 211 - OK
33 - Kellyville/Drumright. (Photo
taken 12/1/02)
Interstate 44 East at Exit 215 - OK
97 - Sapulpa/Sand Springs. (Photo
taken 11/28/02)
Interstate 44 West at Exit 215 - OK
97 - Sapulpa/Sand Springs. (Photo
taken 12/1/02)
Interstate 44 East approaching Exit
- Creek Turnpike East - 1/2
mile. (Photo taken 3/13/03)
Interstate 44 East approaching Exit
- 1/4 mile. (Photo taken 3/13/03)
Interstate 44 East at Exit 218 -
Creek Turnpike East. The gore point
is still a little ways away, and another
exit sign is located there. (Photo
taken 3/13/03)

Interstate 44 East at Exit 218 -
Creek Turnpike East, a little further
down the road. The little green sign
(LGS) on the right side informs
motorists that they can take the
Creek Turnpike to Jenks, Broken
Arrow, and Joplin. (Top photo taken
3/13/03, bottom photo taken 4/25/03)